Key Issues

QCVA is working on these key issues with members and the wider industry in 2010/2011.

Australian Marine Bioregional Plan
Australia is undertaking the implementation of a series of Marine Bioergional Plans that include the East and Northern plans that encompass the entire Queensland east coast and Cape York coastline. QCVA is working to represent key industries during the consultation process and in the development of submissions on co-stewardship processes that could assist in retaining sustainable long term access to protected areas.

Fishery Stock Management
Key rocky and coral reef species are currently under review for specific management due to pressures placed on stocks through both fishing activities and environmental impacts. QCVA is working to ensure the charter fishing industry is represented as potential quotas, closures and changes to catch restrictions are negotiated.

Great Barrier Reef Reef Marine Park Review
In the coming years the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park zones and management will be reviewed. QCVA is working with its partners such as the Pacific Marinelife Institute to improve the resources available to industry as part of the process. This includes complying both historical and current activity information, researching sustainable practices and co-stewardship programs around the world and competing both environment and socioeconomic studies.

Reducing Marine Tourism's Eco Footprint
Both clients and governing agencies require the marine tourism industry to reduce their impact on the marine environment. QCVA is working with Pacific Marinelife Institute on eco offset programs, best practice implementation and conservation projects for both members and the community.