The Queensland Charter Vessel Association (QCVA) was established in 1982 as a peak representative body for Queensland's aquatic charter and tourism industry, taking a role in Code of Practice development, education, marketing, environmental programs and industry representation. Since its inception QCVA has represented both the operator and crew members in key changes within the industry such as the marine park re-zonings, implementation of new safety regulations and the ongoing resource management programs. Partnerships with organisations such as the Pacific Marinelife Institute have and continue to assist in the development of industry best practice programs, accreditation schemes and independent marine research activities.
QCVA in conjunction with its partners the priority now is on meeting the expectations of the industry's clients and governing agencies in terms of reducing operational eco footprints of operators, fostering sustainable practices and engaging new emerging markets. Aiming to create a diverse high standard marine tourism industry in Queensland with procedures that can be transferred around the South Pacific.
Contact information:
President: Mr Bill Edwards (07) 55379994
Vice President: Mr Ray Joyce (07) 55744966
Postal: PO Box 721 Southport QLD 4215